Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pittsburgh is for biking


I got a new bike at the little shop on Forbes in Squirrel Hill.

I'd been thinking about buying a bike long before this recent article came out in the City Paper about the possibility of a bike share program in Pittsburgh (will it happen?  I can only hope...).  

Now if the snow would just stop falling, I'd be a little more inclined to go out for a ride.

It's not that you can't ride your bike with the snow (many people do), it's just that I don't ride my bike when its cold and snowy.  It's just my thing.  

Then I'll join the Bike Pittsburgh crew and be riding the trails and streets like a madman.

I'll be curious to find out how the car/bike tensions compare to that of Seattle.  

Film about biking in da burgh

Check out the latest Streetfilm about Pittsburgh

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pittsburgh is robots

Some folks already know I'm researching for a new theater piece about robots, so of course, I had to venture down to the Carnegie Science Center over in the north side.

Pittsburgh is home to the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute, which is one of the leading robotics research institutions in the world (up there with MIT and Waseda in Tokyo).  Pittsburgh is also home to a few independent robotic companies, as well.

Roboworld was fun and filled with a ton of kids, reminding me a lot of Chuck E. Cheese (which come to think of it, has those creepy animatronics giant creatures, as well).

By chance, I happened to be there the same day they were having an NHL exhibit and showing the Stanley Cup.
The Stanley Cup
What the Stanley Cup has to do with science, I'm not sure.

But it's Pittsburgh, so all roads lead to sports.

I got a nice photo of the Stanley Cup and some other smaller awards from a few floors above the display.  At one point, walking up to another floor, I was directly over the Cup.  I resisted the temptation to spit in it.  Although, as a form of suicide, being mauled and ripped apart by a mob wearing Pens jerseys might be a memorable way to go.

There was even a robot that played basketball.

I kinda want one for my birthday, but have no place to put it.